Ra salvator timeless download torrent
If you haven't read other books with these characters, do so first. I definitely would recommend it to anyone who has read and enjoyed the other tales. I received this in a goodreads giveaway Jul 26, Aram Brazilian rated it it was amazing.
I'm rereading books 1 and 2 in prep for the newly released book If you haven't read any Drizzt yet, then I would not start here - you'd be missing too much background info, in my opinion I suggest you get here the old fashioned way and earn it. I try to read a lot of different writers, but I always come back to Salvatore. I could do a lot worse than having him a I'm rereading books 1 and 2 in prep for the newly released book I could do a lot worse than having him as my favorite Sep 09, Angela rated it it was ok.
I had high hopes that this would be the book that would bring me back into liking this series again. Sadly that didn't happen. I think some of the problem is the Drow city, its not a place that I like and it was supposed to be a place that Drizzt never interacted with or had ties to after leaving it, or so that was the characters main hope. I'm sure there are many fans who loved the book but I'm not one of them. Jul 29, Samantha rated it it was amazing.
Bob excellently blends some of the past and present, exploring both the past friendship between Jarlaxle and Zaknafein, as well as the struggle between father and son to relate outside the confines of Menzoberranzan. Oct 17, Leon Laffredo rated it liked it. As it took almost two weeks, it should show that I was not as interested in this Drizzt book as past ones. I found it slow and boring at times and was not really interested in all extraneous story and character lines.
I guess it will be awhile before I try another Drizzt book. May 05, Wonda rated it did not like it Shelves: im-just-not-that-into-you , read-during-quarantine. Tried and failed for me It kept reminding me of a Lord of the Rings meets World of Warcraft Just wasn't feeling this one!
Oct 30, Adam Duclos rated it it was amazing. I liked this novel better than the 4 or 5 previous Drizzt novels combined! The stakes were high, it's setting up a new trilogy or what have you, no one got raped I like how, if we had to have characters killed off, it might as well be the weird gross ones no one cares about. Sorry Ambergris! I'm sure you're happily sniffing dung beards in dwarf heaven. They're really going with this somewhat nonsensical new direction for abyssal demon rules from 5th edition though.
Now all the demons have phy I liked this novel better than the 4 or 5 previous Drizzt novels combined! Now all the demons have phylacteries? Le sigh. You know, when Regis and the others started to put things together, and remembered all that drama in Damara I think it was, I wasn't thinking demon phylacteries, I was thinking that this entire group of 'unknown dwarves' were going to be spriggans again. The Athrogate rampage at the end was weird.
It's like sometimes the author slips into 'game mode' for a while, to keep with the themes of a Dungeons and Dragons novel, then boom, slaps your face with some kind of super rampage.
Hmm, unless he's actually using some super barbarian rage power? So, yeah, righteous rampage after finding his girlfriend dead, but then again Why does no one ever rez people in the books? None of the main characters ever do it themselves, or have it done, it's always done to them by demons Wulfgar or gods all of them but Drizzt, but now including Z.
Yet, the House Melarn drow rezzed loads of their people! Bringing back Ambergris shouldn't be all that hard, or expensive, for people like the main characters. Do they not have those spells in 5th edition?
Nope, just checked, they're still there. Hmm, they're different now, you need at least part of a body, even for True Resurrection They even had Amber's head! It was cool that Zaknefein came back, and is out and about doing cool stuff. Also cool that we got so many flashbacks to him as a younger drow on adventures with Jarlaxle. Not sure I needed a blow by blow description of why Jarlaxle is bald, but it was pretty funny. Interesting too that Z wasn't usually a dual scimitar wielder anymore, but prefers sword and super flame whip?
That was out of left field. Stranger still, Jarlaxle held on to his magic weapons all that time without using them himself! I guess Why the heck would Jarlaxle only send two guys over to check out Thornhold? Dude's got his own private army! And access to the dwarven army! Why was it only J and Z trying to save the two dwarves? The teaser at the end was great, because taking out Kimmuriel? The competent one? That really upped the ante. Of course it was all offscreen, which was a bummer.
Kimmuriel is the new Worf, I guess Either that or he just got replaced by Gromph in the storylines Jul 07, Fred Rayworth rated it really liked it. I first read a Drizzit novel decades ago and often compared my own fantasy work to R. Timeless seemed like a good choice to catch up and see what the author has been up to lately. While some elements of the old days still linger, this new start of a trilogy is a far cry from what I remember of that most enjoyable novel long ago.
The story started off very slow, with a whole bunch of political goings on about houses and such in Menzoberranzan. When the action finally kicked in, it had I first read a Drizzit novel decades ago and often compared my own fantasy work to R. When the action finally kicked in, it had nothing at all to do with Drizzit. Well, sort of, because it was all linked to him, in absentia.
He finally got a piece of the action around page one hundred thirty. Then again, this is the first book of a new trilogy, so things are going to develop slowly. However, far from rolling dice, the author brought it all to life, making it an enjoyable read. I became absorbed in the action.
I prefer the more direct approach to things. The writing was excellent with third-person, past-tense. However, the author was a bit loose with the characters, and was far from limited, sometimes head-hopping around. The other nit was foretelling. Otherwise, I still had a pretty good time, even with the vague ending, which set up for the second book. Like I said, not the authors fault, as this is not my usual genre to read.
Politics, intrigue, action, and humor as well. Oh, and those battle scenes were awesome! Jun 04, Alexis rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: long time fans, return fans, fantasy readers, teens, adults.
Shelves: fantasy , favorites. If you were among those getting fatigued by the direction of this series, I'd highly recommend giving these latest books another shot. I'm intrigued as to where all this is going and I'm truly enjoying this new arc.
I have to admit, I'm a long time Legend of Drizzt fan and I will always have a soft spot for this series, but the series fell into a bit of a slump for me somewhere around The Orc King and all the way through to The Last Threshold.
The Companions started to pick things up again, and If you were among those getting fatigued by the direction of this series, I'd highly recommend giving these latest books another shot.
The Companions started to pick things up again, and it seemed like we were getting back to the ensemble-cast, endearing fantasy adventures that I fell in love with, just in time for everything to seemingly end with Hero.
This, though, felt like the beginning of a new era and one that I'm enjoying a lot more than the Transitions rabbit hole. I loved that this was more of a Zaknafein book than a Drizzt book. This filled in so many gaps that we never got to see in Zaknafein's character, and the backstory behind him and Jarlaxle was a joy to read and sure fire fan service to anyone who has pondered on the potential friendship between the two. At the same time, Salvatore sets up the newest round of intrigues and conflicts for our cast of characters to face, and it ends up being a doozy.
I do wish that there was a little more resolution between Zaknafein and Drizzt by the end, and R. Salvatore fans will see some familiar plot devices that he's used before. All said though, this is a more than worthy return and a fantastic new branch to the story. It's an action-flic kinda book, like a Michael Bay movie in paper format.
Modesitte Jr. Also - there were a few typos in Timeles Meh And since I haven't read the complete series of books This left me wondering "what other hiccups might I have missed? A quick easy read for mindless time-killing when you're tired but can't get to sleep. My hubby turned me onto this author, and this character Drizzt Do'urden years ago. I fell in love instantly! When I saw there was a newer series out starring you-know-who, I grabbed a copy right away!
So with all beginnings in a series, especially fantasies, there is a bit of a bore to the start. It's all about introducing, or re-introducing, characters to the reader.
About a quarter of the way in it picks up and the fights scenes begin. In a fantasy with dwarves and drow you definitely want fig My hubby turned me onto this author, and this character Drizzt Do'urden years ago.
In a fantasy with dwarves and drow you definitely want fights. This book will not disappoint you there. The rest of the book is battle after battle. It ended with a bit of a cliffhanger though. I'm not a fan of those. I hate waiting.
So not my favorite story, but I liked it enough to want to read the next one. I also recommend this series to any fantasy fans!
Mar 29, Jen rated it really liked it. I won a copy of the mass market paperback in a Goodreads giveaway. It's been a while since I read a Drizzt book and I think Salvatore did his best to fill in the past for people like me who wanted to read this book because it focused on Zaknafein and Jarlaxle.
I enjoyed every moment with those two and Drizzt in the scenes, but I didn't care about anything else which is probably why it took me so long to get through the book. Maybe if I kept up on the series it wouldn't feel like so much work. Time I won a copy of the mass market paperback in a Goodreads giveaway.
Timeless holds all of Salvatore's trademarks with the well written fight scenes and sprawling character POVs. Even though it took me a while, I still enjoyed the book. Thank you to Goodreads and the publisher for a copy of this book. Ines Marcella. Ines Marcella pinned post 4 Sep Timeless by R. Salvatore Drizzt Trilogy 1 Centuries ago, in the city of Menzoberranzan—the City of Spiders, the city of drow—nestled deep in the unmerciful Underdark of Toril, a young weapon master earned a reputation far above his station or that of his poor house.
The greater nobles watched him, and one powerful Matron—Malice—decided to take him as her own. She connived with rival great houses to secure her prize, but that prize was caught for her by another, who came to quite enjoy the weapon master.
Salvatore reveals the Underdark anew through the eyes of Zaknafein and Jarlaxle—an introduction to the darkness that offers a fresh view of the opportunities to be found in the shadows and an intriguing prelude to the intriguing escapes that lie ahead in the modern-day Forgotten Realms. The once forgotten Xoconai empire has declared war upon the humans west of the mountains, and their first target are the people of Loch Beag. Complete Drizzt Series - R.
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