Steam shutdown pc after download
MIT License. Branches Tags. Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats commits. Failed to load latest commit information. Aug 14, Increment version code. Aug 3, Added unit tests. Dec 9, Feb 5, Charlie View Profile View Posts. It has been requested loads of times before, Valve haven't done anything.
Even though this would be a very useful feature. We just need enough people asking for that feature. I like the idea and I helped myself in the past by writing a bat file in windows, that shut down my system after a specific time. But a build in feature in steam would be much better, since it is really easy to add! Expanding on what Mirek said you can get programs to schedule a shut down.
I sometimes use one and schedule it for 30 minutes after the esitmated download completion time from Steam. But if internet connection is unstable. I too would really like this function. Jacien View Profile View Posts. I feel like it won't ever be added. It's annoying, because a great example right now is I'm downloading GTA V that's 60 gigs and will be done in 4 hours, at 3am when I'm sleeping.
So when I wake up at 7am I can then turn it off, when it could've not been on for 4 hours. I want to download GTA V on steam overnight i have slow internet is there anyway of downloading while my pc is off or sleeping etc.
The noise while my desktop is on is sometimes annoying because of fans etc. So, you want to head to bed… time to power down the PC and call it a night. You could stay up and wait for it to finish, but then you will miss out on sleep. Or you could do is turn to Shutter, which gives you a couple of alternative options. This is a free tool that may not look like anything special, but it has a few tricks up its sleeve that make it well worth checking out.
Grab yourself a copy from the website and get it installed. Launch the app and prepare to be distinctly underwhelmed by its appearance — but looks can be, and in fact are, deceptive. Click the Event drop down menu and you will find that there are a number of triggers for you to choose from.