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We have answered this question multiple times. Please check our youtube channel. From itching to mild. Can I now start on your remove and restore tablets? Thank you so much fir your brilliant videos, you are amazing, bless you. I would like to leave a short exposition of my health history and query your if that constitutes a long history of Candida of which I have long been unaware. In recent years I have episodes in which I have identified itching and rashes with Candida and treated them through diet.
Before that, however, I have had a long history of indigestion and acid reflux—which I have largely remedied through aloe vera juice. However, since switching to stevia away from sugar , the toenails have become easier to clip. So, from what I have described, have I had a long, continuous history of Candida? Just ask for your comment : Why raw Kale is not for candida infections?
What digestive enzyme you recommend? It is a probiotic enzyme. You can get it on Canxida. Hi Eric, I am constantly facing excess yeast skin issues and am wondering if candida could be the cause? Is brown rice acceptable at all during this? We have done videos on our channel on topic of brown rice you should check it out. Check out our skin infection page as well! I look forward to the CanXida and the info on yeastinfection.
I just found you on YouTube about a week ago and what you say sounds right. I have been virtually house-bond now for well over a decade with such severe pain and fatigue I can not do hardly anything. I have improved some by changing diet and using some supplements but still fall way short of having a life.
I have just read your issue. I am suffering from candida for years. It takes years until you rebalance your gut flora.
Any doctor who will hear about that you see candida in your stool will categorise you as nuts. If you feel you are right ask for a stool test at your GP. You can also click on the label next to each option for a description of what it does. Check out some of these songs that other people have posted on Twitter! If you find something you like, you should let the creator know!
And if you see any beginners asking for advice, maybe you can help them! BeepBox is developed by John Nesky , also known as shaktool. BeepBox does not claim ownership over songs created with it, so original songs belong to their authors. No songs are ever received, recorded, or distributed by BeepBox's servers. He says we are twin flames. It has been 8 years and he remains obsessed. The strangest part is, he has finally dragged me in, too. We recently cut ties, and now I am obsessed with him.
I search his name on google, i leave messages for him on social media ones i know only he will understand , i feel paralyzed by intrusive fantasies. I am in the most wonderful, committed, balanced relationship of my life, and i still feel this connection to this another guy. I do not admire him. In fact, i feel disgusted and ashamed. I never want to see him again. I want to reach out to him and pique his interest. I want to mail him anonymous letters.
I want to manipulate his life for better and for worse. I feel insane. This must be difficult…. Well try to play your fantasies out in your mind- think of how bad and unsatisfying they would probably be….
It might help you kill the obsession before it gets totally out of control. Keep us posted! Good luck…. So you were his LO, now he is yours.
You changed the dynamics after 8 years. He reacted by withdrawing? Finding another LO? Now you are suffering. You are lucky to have a healthy, balanced, relationship. Hang onto that. In time this ridiculous obsession will cease. You just felt special being an LO. My feelings for her were explosive, the result of deep admiration, attraction, and concern over the terribly unfair situation her husband put her in. I believed that I saw her only as a friend, and then it happened.
The only way I can go to sleep is to either drink myself there, or to gaze inside my mind at her image until I drift off.
And if she did it would ruin so many lives, so many families, so many reputations. The result of any relationship between us would be poison, yet I want a double dose just to feel the satisfaction and the joy, if only for a moment. God please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
I deeply empathise with your situation and admire your insights. I am in early fifties and in a somewhat similar situation with a co-worker 15 years junior. It started with this deep empathy for her. Then several things converged. But I dont intend to see it as a neurotic condition. It makes me touch the far corners of my spirit, deep recesses of my soul. She makes me sense the nature of my truth — Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.
But naming something does not explain it. Life is much too complex. Ecstacy and despair might be two sides of a coin. Like light and darkness. One pays for the other. With all its pain, in the end I regard it as a gift. I only wish happiness for her. It aches as much as for anyone here. But I know I will never act and wreck lives of my children. It helps that that situation may never present itself. I am not happy to call her LO.
It may be an object in a scientific paper. Or is it limerence? Not sure. All I know is I can not stop thinking about her. We text sometimes me recently she suggested about doing some innocuous activity outside of work some time. I think she really feels relaxed with me be trusts me…. I have on-off episodes when I can think about nothing but him lasting several months, when I constantly search for him on facebook, google etc.
I know I should just stop, but after all this time, and my pathetic willpower, that seems pointless. Pls help if you can. I am in mid fifties and in a somewhat similar situation with a co-worker 15 years junior. Dorothy Tennov might explain it away as Limerence. But I think very often we assume we know just by naming something. Life may be much too complex Ecstasy and despair might be two sides of a coin. It helps that the question may never present itself.
For me she might be the Subject itself. I have been limerent since I was 7 or 8 years old and from there the cycle has never ended. I never knew what I was suffering until I stumbled upon the term: limerence. It has been liberating to know that what I feel has a name.
I have never been in a relationship which I feel is aggravating my limerence. I am feeling depressed but I am sure that I will be over it soon, as it is a cycle. But this time I am committed to not have a new LO. Just discovered this term, and am starting to realize that I have spent nearly my entire life in limerence. Over the last 6 months I have fallen for a married colleague.
She has moved to a new job a month ago and the feelings are just starting to subside. In my craziness I started doing online searches about my feelings and stumbled upon this group. I have tried to explain my obsessive thoughts to close friends over the years , they are sympathetic but cannot empathize. My current LO may have an idea about my feelings, but nothing overtly physical was ever said or done.
Just me living in a selfish fantasy world. Thanks to all of you!! So glad to have found this site. I recently learned about limerence after a heart-wrenching experience with the 5th LO in my adult life. He said I was the girl of his dreams, then essentially disappeared. I am 50, married, with 3 almost grown children. A good life — perfect from the outside — but for me, there must always be a limerent affair in the shadows for me to enjoy intimacy with my husband.
Trying to unravel the real WHY of it. My guess is early childhood attachment disorder. John is exactly right: it will destroy you.
But you must forgive yourself first before you can move on. And it is an addiction, as well as a compulsion. Good to give it a name. I had fallen deeply for my first serious girlfriend before that and that had been it. I love my wife, I truly do. I would put her happiness and her life before my own.
This girl is amazing, intelligent, lovely and to die for gorgeous, in every way. Of course, she is not single either, how could a girl like her ever be. Never mind, even if she were, she is laughably out of my league.
Just writing it down, knowin other people out there feel the same way, makes me feel a bit better. Which is handy, because right now I feel like a total bastard. I just want it to stop. Please let me find the strength to be the man I want to be. If you find that damn switch please let me know where is it. I am in the same spot as you, J! I know he likes me too, so it is just unbearable. I started reading it last night, finished it this morning, took the test this evening, and only missed two on the Technicians license!
Thank you very much for these two study guides. I found them when I was working on my tech and it made it very easy. I had no problems with either test after going through the study guide. I recommend both study guides to anyone wanting to take the test. So far, everyone that read through them passed without any problems. Great manuals!
Thanks for your guides! I passed both my tech and general exams tonight with 35 and 33 respectively. Dan, I have worked on radio for the past 30 years. But your Technician Guide finally pushede me to make the effort I got a I will be getting my call sign soon and have bought a 2M VX to begin with. Thank you for taking the time to write this up I will be using your General and when it is done the Extra guide. Downloaded your manual two weeks ago.
Printed it and read it over and over. Took my General test today at Midland Tx Hamfest. I Passed!!!! Thanks for a great manual. Im good on QRZ take a look at the mobile on top. I am Timothy J. I have been using your study guides to help get people ready to take their tests, with good results.
Do you plan on re-writing the No-Nonsense Guide to reflect the changes in the new Technician Class question pool? If you do update it, rest assured that I will continue to use it as a resource to help interested people earn their licenses. Timothy, I am indeed working on the new version of the Tech study guide right now.
I hope to have it done by Dayton. Thank you I got my general studying with your guide. I am now studying for Extra but I need one of your guides. Thanx again from all my future students.
But I just took my tech license test this morning — after reading your study guide only once. Like, really study, not just read a study guide once.
To my surprise, I passed the test this morning. I guess I remembered more than I thought. Ohhh… and because I read your study guide. Thanks for updating the Tech Guide. Your work is being used all over the nation. I certainly appreciate your work. And, my students benefit, too. I just wanted to thank you for your No Nonsense Technician Class study guide. Using it, I was able to pass my Technician exam today first try. A great resource which I will keep in my file.
Good luck with the General Class material. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions on any of the material. Dan, Hello. I was floored. I read it through 2 days before the test and then again the night before the test. I walked in to the EXAM nervous but comfortable. I was first done with the test, walked outside and awaited the results. What a great feeling.
The best score after mine was 3 wrong. I completely attribute this to your Study Guide. It is now 30 days later and Im reading the General Guide and taking the test this Saturday. Will report back. I have wanted to have a HAM license since I was a teenager. I am now What long wait, but I got it!! Thanks so very much for your effort in putting this guide togther and keeping this current for us.
Way to go, Ron! I love getting feedback like this. I have tried reading the big book to study for my Tech. I eventually ended up using your study guide and in just a few weeks I took my test and only missed two questions. Thank you so much for putting these guides together…you are a lifesaver. Hello Just wanted to say i love your study guide, ive had another one but it wasnt as updated as yours, i found this out after trying to help my xyl get her license and some questions were not on the material.
I was wondering if you were going to have the general material if it changes after this June? I used the tech guide way back in and passed after reading it once. Then in February this year I passed the General with missing 1 question really I knew the answer and simply chose wrong. Again thanks a lot, you are a true credit to amateur radio. Ill be at Dayton this year I do live here lol and would love to shake your hand sir. You have provided so much to so many people.
Wish me luck!! Thank you so much! I found it easier to remember the information in your guide easier to remember. No getting bored between facts. I became a Tech ham just prior to A Google search revealed your study guide. That led me to print it out and take notes as I read through it. Another read through over the next month and I dropped guide to go with doing as many practice tests from as many websites as possible…………….. Dan, I just wanted to say thanks for your wonderful study guide.
A read through the guide just once was enough to put the questions into perspective so that I understood the questions relating to FCC rules and best practices. I had a leg up on the electronics portion, but that too was well-written and concise! I just took my element 2 exam last night and passed it with flying colors.
Even better: I understood the answers, I was giving, largely due to the format of your study guide and how easy it was to look up additional details. Let us know what your callsign is so that we can listen for you on the air……. I just passed my technician licensing test missing only one question! What a great study guide! I will be using your general study guide to pass the general licensing test this October. I look forward to the day when I can print off the free version of the extra study guide.
I hope you are able to use the donation that I just sent you. I look forward to sending you a donation with each test I pass. I am happy to say that I am now making more money than I ever have and am working a job that I sincerely enjoy.
I do not miss the challenges presented by Michigan winters, especially the snow. I hope to talk with you on the air some day. Thinking of you down in Arkansas. Thank you, sincerely, Scott Johnson. So far I have given out 12 copies of the sutdyt guide.
Yesterday two of the women went and took the Technician exam, and both passed! They are so excited! One of them asked me for the General Class study guide, which I just emailed to her your latest version, of course.
I have a group of young men that have asked me to help teach them so they can take their exam. I am planning on using your study guide with them and then try to do some demonstrations to augment their studying.
BTW, one of the other women brought to my attention that there is one question from the Technician Pool missing from the study guide. It is T1D I wanted to also suggest that an audio version of this could be a wonderful thing. You know, I might give that audio version a shot.
In addition to reading the questions and answers in that section, I could make some comments like I do when I teach the one-day Tech class. If not, what section would you like me to record first? I am confused as to if there is a charge for the study guide? I made a copy of the Technician study guide and then read it can not be reproduced without permission.
I would like to share it with other members of my class. I will gladly pay for the study guide. I need an understandable instruction Manual to help remember. Your study guide is understandable.
Thank you. I noticed the use restrictions shown below. Would it be ok if I used your publication for this class? Romanchik All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the autho.
I would love for you to use my study guide for your class, Jeff, but what I would prefer is for each of the students to visit my website and download their own copies.
I have two reasons for this:. So the comma needs to be replaced with a period. Great site, by the way! Science kits to allow the students to build basic circuits and discover how components work. Thanks for the time and effort you put into creating the tech and general study guides.
I read through the tech guide once and took the test today. I passed and was complemented on my studying. I took a shot at the general test while I was there and just barely missed it. I guess that says something about the quality and easy reading of the tech guide.
Thanks again! Thank you for your study guide. I was granted my Tech License back in Feb of and was able to pass largely due to your well-written and understandable guide.
Now I have the burning desire to earn my General ticket, and I know I will be able to do so with the assistance of your study guide. I also agree with another poster that it would be nice to see who all you have helped in the country and have a digital map with all of our virtual pins in the map from our home areas.
I am not computer savvy enough to make the map, but I will let you know that you helped me out here in Molalla, Oregon. Thanks again hope to be writing soon with a general upgrade. What happened to hamradiouniversity. I was really hoping to get a piece of that extra study guide. I will, however, be doing an Extra Class study guide next year when they update the Extra Class question pool. Watch for that. I really enjoyed the technician class study guide, had my license in no time.
I would recommend this guide to anyone wanting to get their license. Hey, thanks for the fantastic guide. One of them handed me a printed copy of your General guide, and right after taking the Tech I went ahead and took the general as well… and passed.
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