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There are mainly three phases of the review and the steps associated with each phase are shown in Fig. This study started by selecting a topic, at which point the study objectives were also clearly defined and the boundaries of the domain delineated. Selecting a topic for SLR is of crucial importance because many factors such as individual or community interest, research gaps, and research impact contribute to shaping research questions on the topic.

It is critically important for the game industry to identify a quality-driven GDSE process. Several studies have investigated different phases of the GDSE process life cycle, but they do not offer systematic, comprehensive, and thorough methodological research specific to this topic.

In this review, studies from to will be explored to answer the following research questions:. RQ2: What topics are being researched in the pre-production, production, and post-production phases? RQ3: What research approaches are being used by researchers in the software game domain? RQ4: What empirical research methods are being used in the software game domain?

The number of publications has been identified by the research group to address RQ1. A graphical representation has been used to represent the increase or decrease in the number of publications per year as a measure of research activity. To address RQ2, RQ3, and RQ4, each study selected has been affiliated to a research topic, to a certain approach, and to a specific methodology used for the research. Details of this classification into corresponding categories are discussed in section 3.

A multidisciplinary team is needed to perform a high-quality scientific SLR. To enhance the thoroughness and minimize the potential bias of a study, an SLR is normally undertaken by more than one reviewer. The SLR team for this review was made up of three people.

Two people were designated as principal reviewers Second expert report by American institute One person was also selected as the project leader to handle additional administrative tasks such as team communication, points of contact, meeting arrangements and documentation, task assignment and follow-up, and quality assurance.

The final review protocol is discussed in the following sections 3. In the SLR, the search procedure is based on an online search. The search strategy for an SLR is a plan to construct search terms by identifying populations, interventions, and outcomes.

Key terms are combined together to created different groups in order to form search strings. Each group comprise of terms that are either different forms of the same word, synonyms, or terms that have similar or related semantic meaning within the domain. Table 2 depicts the followed approach. In order to retrieve different sets of relevant literature, four groups are designed. The main objective of this grouping is to find the literature that is the intersection of the groups as shown in Fig.

According to Table 2 , the following search string will capture the structure:. If the information required, as indicated on the form shown in Table 3 , was not explicitly present in the potential study, then that paper was peer-reviewed by all team members and, after discussion, validated for correctness. Otherwise, each paper was reviewed by one reviewer.

Each study involved some general information and some specific information, as indicated on the form. For SLR, articles and research papers from to were included, and to evaluate their suitability, the following criteria were analyzed:. Only the following types of studies were considered: case studies, theoretical papers, and empirical analysis surveys.

If any article identifies any challenges and problems in software games, that article is included as a review. This procedure involved two phases. In the first phase, an initial selection was made on the basis of the inclusion criteria and after reading the title, abstract, and conclusion of each article.

In the second phase, if a particular article met the criteria, then the whole article was studied. One hundred forty-eight papers were identified after final selection, as shown in Fig. Table 4 shows the results found in each data source and Additional file 1 : Appendix A contains a full list of selected publications. In this research, quality guidelines were defined based on a quality instrument that was used to assign a quality score to each article as a basis for data analysis and synthesis.

The quality instrument consisted of four sections: a main section containing a generic checklist applicable to all studies, and three other sections specific to the type of study.

The checklist was based upon SLR guidelines Kitchenham, and was derived from Kitchenham and Second expert report by American institute The detailed checklist is shown in Table 5. For data synthesis the topics, research approaches and methods are classified and their classification details are listed below:.

This section includes a classification of the topics covered by each study with respect to the pre-production, production, and post-production phase issues involved. The ACM classification system was used for classification, which is the same method used by Cai and Card The proposed classification system has been adopted by many journals and conferences specifically for software engineering topics. The same classification was used here to classify the papers under study, and these were further fabricated based on studies found in the GDLC domain.

Table 6 presents the selected classification schema. Research articles can be characterized based on their method and approach, as described by Glass et al. The main categories for scientific approach are descriptive a system, tool, or method; a literature review can also be considered as descriptive studies , exploratory performed where a problem was not clearly defined , and empirical findings based on observation of its subjects. To evaluate new methods or techniques, three major empirical research methods are used: surveys, case studies, and experiments Wohlin et al.

Table 7 describes the three major empirical research types; Dyba and Dingsoyr also used the same type of empirical classification. To address RQ1, the number of studies published per year, whether journal articles or conference publications, and the number of publications on the GDLC hosted by each digital library.

From Section 3. This step of the SLR describe conclusion, possible threats and limitations to the validity of this study. Authors believe that there is a chance that the word game was not part of the title of some studies, but that nevertheless they discussed game development. These studies may, therefore, have been excluded from the primary dataset by the search procedure.

There are other threats that are also linked to a systematic literature review such as generalization and subjective evaluation Shadish et al. There are limitations to our results, although significant amounts of effort and time was spent to select the papers that were studied.

More specifically, our search was limited to the academic databases. It is obvious from the results of RQ1 that developers prefer to submit their work on the blogs or forums. In addition, the exclusion of less-known journals and conferences from the Web of Science and the Scopus index might have led to a different dataset.

These methods help developers to evaluate software and they considered as an integral part of game development. However, due to the limited scope of the study, we excluded studies from HCI field.

Finally, the classification scheme might have altered the results if they were classified by a scheme, such as the waterfall model, instead of the ACM classification scheme. Despite these limitations, the results of our systematic literature review will be useful to game development organizations and developers of software games.

This section presents the results of statistical analysis of the data set discusses the findings concerning the RQs formulated in Section 3.

The characteristics of the data set are tabulated for better understanding. To trace the categories of each mapped study, the interested reader is referred to the Additional file 2 : Appendix B. A total studies were collated and analyzed as part of this review. To identify GDSE process life cycle domain specific characteristics, the findings of this review will be compared to results from similar studies done by Cai and Card , Glass et al.

Table 8 clearly shows that GDSE process life cycle research intensity has increased during the last few years.

Figure 4 showed an increase in GDSE process life cycle over time. From Table 8 , was taken as year 0 , and the first data point of the graph was calculated for year 1 i. Figure 4 shows the results up to Years are given on the x- axis. Figure 4 illustrates that during the last few years, research activity in the GDSE process life cycle domain has continuously increased and the number of publications in the GDSE domain has increased at a polynomial growth rate since During , and the drop in research activity is noted.

It seems obvious that most of the work related to GDSE research activity was not published on the selected sources for this study.

Moreover, Fig. Looking at research activity based on countries, China now dominates GDSE process life cycle research, but its research into the game domain started only in In four years, China has come to dominate this area of research.

Before , the United States and the United Kingdom were dominant. Authors from North and South America have played a dominant role since and are still contributing in this area. It can be visualized in Fig. This section addresses the identification of main research topics in the GDSE process life cycle domain.

Table 9 clearly suggests that most research has been conducted in the production phase, followed by the pre-production phase. On the other hand, the post-production phase has not attracted much research interest.

These GDSE process life cycle topics are somewhat different than in software engineering because of two factors: first, the GDSE domain has special needs and priorities, and second, it is a young domain which requires more fundamental research in the area of requirements, development, and coding tools. When the GDSE domain becomes mature, then other areas in the field, like testing and verification, will attract the interest of researchers. As mentioned earlier in Section 2 , games have specific characteristics, which the conventional software development process cannot completely address.

In the past years, research on GDSE process life cycle topics has become more active because, unlike other software products, games provide entertainment and user enjoyment, and developers need to give more importance to these aspects.

As a result, research about the pre-production phase has increased. The implementation phase is shorter than in the traditional software implementation process because of the short time to market.

This production-phase research intensity has attracted the interest of many researchers, and maximum research activity has been reported because the GDSE domain requires efficient development and coding techniques. McShaffry also highlighted the importance of the production phase to counteract poor internal quality. There is much less research activity in the post-production phase than in the pre-production and production phases. Figure 7 presents the growth of each GDSE process life cycle research topic since It is apparent that in the pre-production phase, the most researched topic is management of the game development process, followed in this order by production-phase development platforms, programming, and implementation topics.

In the post-production phase, the marketing area attracted the largest amount of research interest. The state of the art research is the description of actual primary studies, and, therefore, they are mapped according to the research topics they addressed Budgen et al. Next, a short description of each GDSE topic is presented along with a full reference list. A full reference list of all the studies included is presented in Additional file 1 : Appendix A.

In the pre-production phase, most of the studies categorized under this topic address management issues during the GDSE process life cycle. The overall management of the game development process combines both an engineering process and creation of artistic assets. Ramadan and Widyani [S1] compared various game development strategies from a management perspective, and most studies like [S3], [S6], [S7], and [S8] have proposed frameworks for game development. Game development guidelines can be followed to manage GDSE process life cycle.

The presence of agile practices in the game development processes is also highlighted by some studies. Tschang [S4] and Petrillo et al. Management of development-team members and their interaction is critically important in this aspect. Some studies [S10] and [S11] have provided data analytics and empirical analysis of the game development process and issues of interdisciplinary team involvement.

Best management practices in the game development process must consider certain elements such as staying on budget, timing, and producing the desired output. To assess game quality, five usability and quality criteria functional, internally complete, balanced, fun, and accessible can be used, but a process maturity model specific to the game development process is still needed to measure these processes for better management and high performance.

One of the main differences between the traditional software development process and GDSE process life cycle is the requirements phase. The game development process requires consideration of many factors such as emotion, game play, aesthetics, and immersive factors.

In four studies, the authors have discussed the requirements engineering perspective to highlight its importance for the whole game-software development process. They discussed emotional factors, language ontology, elicitation, feedback, and emergence [S19], [S20], [S21], and [S22]. In particular, game developers must understand these basic non-functional requirements along with the game play requirements and incorporate them while developing games.

The main challenges in requirements identification are a communication between diverse background stakeholders, b non-functional requirements incorporation with game play requirements, such as media and technology integration, and c validation of non-functional requirement such as fun, which is very complex because it is totally dependent on the target audience.

Callele et al. The requirements specification phase must address both the functional and non-functional requirements of game development. Many description languages are currently used by developers, such as the UML model, agent-based methodologies, and soft-system methodologies.

Quanyin et al. They performed experiments and reported that it would be a good model for further development of games on the Android operating system.

Shaker et al. Tylor et al. The proposed approach can be used instead of a popular description language because it provides an overview of the game. Chan and Yuen [S30] and Rodriguez et al. A system description language for games must be both intelligible to human beings and formal enough to support comparison and analysis of players and system behaviors.

In addition, it must be production-independent, adequately describe the overall game process, and provide clear guidelines for developers.

The existence of reusability of software Capretz and Lee and development platforms in game development has been reported by some researchers, but to gain its full advantages, commonality and variability analysis must be done in the pre-production phase. This category addresses reuse techniques for game development software Ahmed and Capretz, Neto et al. Reuse techniques in game development could reduce cost and time and improve quality and productivity.

For reuse techniques, commonality and variability analysis is very important, similar to a software product line. Szegletes and Forstner [S36] proposed a reusable framework for adaptive game development. The architecture of the proposed framework consisted of loosely coupled components for better flexibility. They tested their framework by developing educational games.

The requirements of the new game must be well aligned with the reusable components of the previously developed game. It consists of a coherent description of the basic components, their interrelationships, directions, and a shared vocabulary for efficient development.

Westera et al. Furthermore, Salazar et al. They also compared their findings with traditional software requirement specifications and concluded that a poor game design document can lead to poor-quality product, rework, and financial losses in the production and post-production phases. Hsu et al. They proposed an approach to solve the trade-off decision problem, which is based on a neural network technique and uses a genetic algorithm to perform design optimization.

Khanal et al. Finally, Ibrahim and Jaafar [S43] and Tang and Hanneghan [S44] worked on a game content model for game design documents. Currently, GDD suffers from formalism and incomplete representation; to address this issue, the formal development of GDD is very important. Game prototyping in the pre-production phase helps the developer to clarify the fundamental mechanics of the final game.

Reyno and Cubel [S49] proposed automatic prototyping for game development based on a model-driven approach. De Silva et al. The developer can approach the well-established community and focus on the technical stuff rather than starting from scratch.

They used this approach for massive, multi-player online game development. Guo et al. Prototypes also help to identify missing functionality, after which developers can easily incorporate quick design changes.

Model-driven or rapid-prototyping approaches can be used to develop game prototypes. Game design tools are used to help game developers create descriptions of effects and game events in detail without high-level programming skills. Cho and Lee [S56] and Segundo et al. These tools also enable reuse of existing components and reduce the total time of the game-creation process. In the game development domain, risk management factors do not receive much discussion by researchers.

Risk management is very important from a project management point of view. Identifying risk factors in the game development process is also important.

In game development, the project manager is the game producer and must bring together management, technical, and aesthetic aspects to create a successful game. The study by Schmalz et al. They identified two risk factors during the development process: failure of development strategy and absence of the fun factor.

In game development, important risk factors can be the development strategy, the fun factor or extent of originality, scheduling, budgeting, and others, but very low priority has been given by game developers to formal analysis of risk factors.

Asset creation in the production phase is the foundation stage where game developers create the various assets and then use them in the game implementation phase. In the production phase, the first step is to create assets for the game. One of these assets is audio creation.

Migneco et al. It includes common audio-processing routines and sound-interaction Web games. Minovic et al. For audio processing, open-source libraries are available, especially for games. Audio and interface design are examples of game assets. Storyboard production is the most important phase of game production; it involves development of game scenarios for level solutions and incorporation of artificial intelligence planning techniques for representing the various features of games through a traditional white board or flow chart.

Pizzi et al. Finally, Anderson [S61] presented a classification of scripting systems for serious and entertainment games, and Cai and Chen [S62] explored scene editor software for game scenes. Their approach was based on the OGRE. Various scripting editors based on different technologies are available for game developers to produce storyboards. Some of this software helps to develop and edit scenes at different game levels, and other software helps by generating game levels automatically based on a description.

The studies classified under this category proposed various types of platforms for game development. Development platforms provide a ready-made architecture for server—client connectivity and help developers create games quickly. Open-source development platforms are available, but developers must customize them according to the required functionality.

Peres et al. Jieyi et al. First, the platform implemented the game template in two environments such as the Nokia series 60 platform and the Symbian OS.

The second part of the process involved analysis of the entire game structure and extraction of game parameters for later customization. Finally, the tool could be used for game customization.

Lin et al. The proposed communication protocol was able to control the embedded platform to achieve the game usability and amusement. Mao et al. Suomela et al. Some researchers have proposed a development platform similar to that described above that provides connectivity along with client customization and unnecessary updating of game servers.

Game semantics can be classified under formal language description for programming languages; only two studies were reported under this classification. The formal language description of game semantics provided a way to gain insight into the design of programming languages for game development. Mellies [S99] proposed a denotational prepositional linear logic for asynchronous games, and Calderon and McCusker [S] presented their analysis of game semantics using coherence spaces.

Very little work has been reported in this area, and very few game semantic descriptions of languages have been published. Code complexity is increasing, especially in game development, because of the incorporation of complex modules, AI techniques, and a variety of behaviors. Studies classified under this category explored the programming aspect of game development.

El Rhalibi et al. It extends the JME game engine by facilitating content libraries, providing a new interface, and also providing a software suite that supports advanced graphical functionalities within IDE.

The other two studies, done by Meng et al. Three studies by Yang et al. Wang et al. Zhang et al. Bartish and Thevathayan [S86] and Fahy and Krewer [S90] analyzed the use of agents, finite state machines, and open-source libraries for the overwhelmingly complex process of multi-platform game development.

Optimization techniques can be used with object-oriented programming to avoid unnecessarily redundant classes and inheritance, and to handle performance bottlenecks.

These languages can be used across different development environments such as Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux. Researchers have proposed various approaches and tools for efficient game development. The integration of various development artefacts into games can also be done by generative programming, which also helps to achieve efficient development.

A game engine is a kind of special software framework that is used in the production phase for creating and developing games. Game engines consist mainly of a combination of core functionalities such as sound, a physics engine or collision detection, AI, scripting, animation, networking, memory management, and scene graphs. This is the only study that has highlighted the important functionalities that an affective game engine must support. Another study by Wu et al. It divided script engines into two types.

The first type is the high-level script engine that includes packaging and refining of the script engine. The second type, the low-level script engine includes feature packages associated only with API. Four studies [S], [S], [S], and [S] explored the development of game engines on mobile platforms.

Finally, Anderson et al. Recently, developers have been using previously developed or open-source game engines to economize on the game development process.

Various researchers have proposed script-based, design pattern-based, and customizable game engines. In the GDSE process life cycle, game engines automate the game creation process and help a developer to develop a game in a shorter time.

The foundations of game theory are used in game development because it is a branch of decision theory that describes interdependent decisions. Most studies in this category described different aspects of game implementation technologies on various types of platforms. Various kinds of game implementation technologies can be found in the literature. Vanhatupa [S] presented a survey of implementation technologies especially for browser games.

The technologies explored in these studies are mainly server applications application runtime, server-side scripting, and user interface and communication , client applications, databases, and architecture. The same study also described the accessories that can be used for implementation: application platforms, game engines, and various types of plug-ins.

Abd El-Sattar [S] proposed an interactive computer-based game framework for the implementation process. The framework includes steps from design through implementation that are based on game theory foundations and focus mainly on game models, Nash equilibrium, and strategies of play. The proposed framework includes architectural design and specifications, a proposed game overview, a game start-up interface and difficulty scaling, game modelling, the game environment and player control, and a free-style combat system.

Four studies [S], [S], [S] and [S] focused mainly on a development framework for mobile devices. Su et al. They also claimed that their proposed framework addressed the problems of traditional frameworks such as the single-server exhaustion problem, synchronization, and thread-pooling issues.

Jhingut et al. Finally, Kao et al. A few researchers have proposed agent-based frameworks as explored above for effective communication and synchronization between system components. Process validation plays an important role in assessing game quality. Collection and evaluation of process data from the pre-production phase through to the post-production phase either provide evidence that the overall development process produces a good-quality game as a final product or reveal that it cannot.

Only two studies were reported under this classification. Stacey et al. They carried out a two-year case study on a four-person development team. Astrachan et al. The scope of studies done under this category was limited. The case studies were done for small teams and were limited to only one phase. In the game development process, quality assurance and process validation are critical components, and standard methodologies are lacking.

More exploration is needed to provide deeper insights. QA for games needs more research attention because very little work has been reported. Beta testing in games is used to evaluate overall game functionality using external testers.

Beta testing is a kind of first public release for testing purposes by users. Game publishers often find it effective because bugs are identified by users that were missed by developers.

If any desired functionality is missing, it must be addressed at this stage. This testing is performed before final game release. Under this classification, only four studies [S], [S], [S], and [S] were reported. Hable and Platzer [S] evaluated their proposed development framework for mobile game platforms. Omar et al. Very little work was reported in this category. Heuristics are a kind of design guideline and can be used as an evaluation tool by game design developers or users.

Basically, heuristics can be used in software engineering to test the interface. In games, evaluation must extend beyond the interface because other playability experiences also need evaluation such as the game story, play, and mechanics. Al-Azawi et al. The proposed framework divides testing by two types of user: experts and real-world users.

Experts evaluate playability, game usability, and game quality factors. Users evaluate the game as a positive or negative experience. Omar and Jaafar [S] and Al-Azawi et al. Heuristic testing can be done during the development process and repeated from the early design phase. It is perfect for game testing because after the game is implemented, if anything goes wrong, it will be too expensive to fix and will affect the project schedule.

This topic also needs attention by researchers. Empirical testing approaches for the game-testing phase have been explored by only a few researchers. The approaches described by these researchers have focused only on final-product quality and usability. Only two studies were reported under this classification [S] and [S]. Escudeiro and Escudeiro [S] used a Quantitative Evaluation Framework QEF to evaluate serious mobile games and reported that QEF frameworks are very important in validating educational games and final-product quality.

Choi [S] analyzed the effectiveness of usability-expert evaluation and testing for game development. Experimental results showed the importance of the validation process in game development. The scope of the studies done under this category was very limited, and other aspects of final-product testing have not been explored by researchers. Development of testing tools has not been addressed by many researchers. Only one study [S] was reported under this classification.

Cho et al. They used their tool on several online games to verify its effectiveness. Tools for game testing facilitate the testing process. The proposed scope of study was also limited, and available testing tools have focused only on evaluation of online games.

After a game has been developed, the final step is marketing. Marketing of games includes a marketing strategy and a marketing plan. The marketing strategy is directly related to the choice of users and the types of games that are in demand. Some studies have been done from the perspective of game-user satisfaction that provide the baseline for the factors that game developers must take into account for new game development. Yee et al. Three studies [S], [S], and [S] empirically investigated the perspective of game-user satisfaction and loyalty.

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