Downloading nba street vol 2 onto ps4 reddit
Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio Software icon An illustration of a 3. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs.
Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. NBA Street Vol. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! Topics xbox , og xbox , microsoft xbox , redump , redump. This Original Xbox game matches redump. Tap Shoot quickly to perform a pump. Use a combination of pump fakes and passes to move the ball around and keep the defense off-balance.
Work the whole court. Setting picks is another good way to deal with lane congestion. Mix up your timing. Try running past a defender and then doubling back with a trick. This can throw the defender off and earn you some easy Trick Points. Tap Pass during the animation to cancel your trick in order to stifle the steal. Control the ball. Wedge your player between an opponent and the hoop before you go up.
This way, you have a better chance of sticking your missed shot. Tap Shoot and hold Turbo for the tip-slam. Stay calm and tap Shoot once before the ball reaches its peak. Practice your timing. Use these handy techniques to rein in a gloating winner and get back in the game.
Own the goal. Be sure you have a tall player near the rim at all times, as super blocking is a sure way to frustrate any opponent. If an open player manages a three-point shot, you should have time to block it. Most shots will be dunks or short-range attempts that you can reject or alter.
Watch the clock. Pay attention to the shot clock. Look for rushed scoring attempts as time ebbs away. When five seconds remain, tighten the defensive screws.
At three or less, be up on your man and ready to catch the shot right off his fingertips. Always play tenacious D. Challenge every shot. Try to have at least one player in your lineup with a top Blocks rating and another with a high Steals rating. NBA Street Vol. The gameplay's been improved as well--we can't get enough of the four-player support, defensive counters to stop special moves, and passes off the backboard and occasionally our opponent's skulls.
Also, the crucial Game-breaker bonus where you can gain extra points while subtracting from your opponent's score now doubly screws your rival with twice the point-stealing power. If you're not happy with the default regulations, though, investigate My Rules, an option to tailor the game to your liking.
If you're ballin' with a beginner, spot them 10 points. In a hurry? Play to 11, instead of Don't like Gamebreakers? Turn them off. The only part of the game they forgot to beef up was the difficulty in the single-player contests--it's woefully easy, so be sure to bump it up before hitting the streets.
There are times when the old adage, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,'?